San Mateo Housing Element Certified Now crunch time begins

Congratulations to the City of San Mateo on receiving housing element certification

The City still faces a lawsuit from the Housing Action Coalition disputing their projections for housing production under current zoning. Though HLC also questions whether San Mateo accurately calculated housing capacity, we support many of the policies in the city’s housing element, including

  • Reduced parking requirements from 1.5-3 spaces to 1 space per studios and 1 bedrooms, 1.5 spaces for 2 bedrooms or more
  • Streamlined entitlement processes, such as the elimination of a pre-application requirement and ministerial approval for multi-family developments smaller than 25 homes
  • Expansion of just cause for eviction protections, including relocation payouts from Day 1 of tenancy
  • A commitment to update the city’s General Plan to allow increased heights and densities. 

San Mateo’s housing element is just a start. In order to realistically meet its housing goals, the city will benefit from treating its policy commitments as a foundation to build upon with even stronger policies.

San Mateo’s final land general plan update land use map, up for a vote as “Measure T” this November. Available in larger PDF form HERE.

In order to successfully implement its housing element, San Mateo voters now needs to pass Measure T, which will allow for greater heights and densities along transit corridors and business areas.