HLC Publications
For the past few years, HLC has published five reports focusing on the need for affordable and transit oriented housing in SMC. Data, such as that regarding Measure K, can be accessed through these.

Retrospective: The San Mateo County Housing Element Campaign
This report details the collaborative efforts of various organizations across San Mateo County, including both incorporated cities and unincorporated areas, to advocate for shared housing goals. It highlights the specific housing needs of unincorporated communities, such as farmworkers and individuals with disabilities, and outlines policy changes aimed at addressing these needs over the next decade.

This report explores the ways that Measure K has been used to facilitate new affordable homes as well as ongoing opportunities to invest new money in affordable housing production.

Affordable Housing in San Mateo County
This report looks at the need for affordable housing in San Mateo County while highlighting existing affordable homes and the residents who live in them.

Building on Success: How San Mateo County can Meet the Need for Affordable Homes
This report looks at the necessity of affordable housing and the different ways it is and can be financed, as well as the history of funding affordable homes in San Mateo County. Over the years, SMC has increased its ability to build and preserve affordable homes, especially with Measure K, a countywide half-cent sales tax.

Moving San Mateo County Forward: Housing and Transit at a Crossroads
More than 100,000 San Mateo workers commute into the county every single day because they cannot afford to live here- this has negative impacts on transportation and is telling of the housing shortage the county faces. As a collaborative effort of HLC and TransForm, this report explains the homes built vs job created gap in the county and proposes solutions to decrease traffic congestion and increase affordable housing funding.
Affordable Housing can bring traffic solutions… check out our video to learn more:

DOH Affordable Housing Dashboard
Click on the image to see information on the housing development activity funded by San Mateo County’s Department of Housing. The dashboard is interactive and data can be filtered to show individual items, such as construction status, funding use, project name, and jurisdiction.