From Law to Home: Accessory Dwelling Units as Affordable Housing Game-Changers
Workshop Summary
Moderated by the Casita Coalition, a statewide nonprofit whose founders co-wrote the 2017 law that legalized Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs), this session highlights the game-changing potential of ADUs in tackling the housing crisis in San Mateo County. Stanford’s RegLab will set the stage by discussing their groundbreaking research published this year, which estimated that 75% of detached ADUs recently built in San Jose were unpermitted – a wakeup call to the scale of the challenges we face in permitting and legalizing ADUs. You’ll also learn about the newly established, multi-jurisdictional ADU Resource Center, which offers homeowners vital tools, expert advice, and soon, loan and grant programs to boost affordable ADU development. Finally, discover how AB 1033, the new law allowing ADUs to be sold as condos, is creating a pipeline of affordable starter homes, with the City of San Jose leading the way. Join us and let’s unlock the full potential of ADUs in San Mateo County to create more affordable and flexible housing solutions!
Moderator- Ruby Solis Vitatoe
Casita Coalition, Director of Marketing and Communications
Anna Alekseyeva
ADU Resource Center of San Mateo County, Founding Director
Derek Ouyang
Stanford RegLab, Research Manager