2024 Elections: Candidate Housing Questionnaire Responses, Board of Supervisors


San Mateo County

Board of Supervisors Candidates

San Mateo County voters! Meet your candidates for the Board of Supervisors and learn about their views on housing issues.

District 1:

Ann Schneider

Jackie Speier

District 4:

Paul Bocanegra

Celeste Brevard

Maggie Cornejo

Lisa Gauthier

Antonio Lopez

District 5:

David Canepa

District 1

Ann Schneider


HLC did not receive a response from Ann Schneider. Learn more about Ann at electann.com

Jackie Speier


HLC did not receive a response from Jackie Speier. Learn more about Jackie at jackieforsupervisor2024.com

District 4

Paul Bocanegra

Q 1: Are you a realtor, renter, landlord, home owner, and/or housing developer? 

A 1: Home Owner

Q 2: What policies will you champion as a Supervisor to address the housing affordability crisis in San Mateo County? 

A 2: I support policies that target the development of office space into permanent housing for the most vulnerable. I also support the RWC Fair & Housing Ordinance. I also support the creation of a renters registry and a task force that checks in on services provided by landlords. This task force to monitor the evictions of youth and seniors.

Q 3: Given that 78% of extremely low-income households in San Mateo County are cost-burdened, what commitments will you make to address rent control measures?  

A 3: I commit to work to limit rent hikes that are beyond 5% per year. I believe that the 10% has grown and is being misused as a reason to raise rents in order to flip the bill on taxes by landlords.

Q 4: If elected, what policies would you put forth that would support a comprehensive tenant protections ordinance that prioritizes just cause?  

A 4: I would work to develop policies that limit the ability for a landlord to evict a youth or senior even under the just cause? I would doing this by creating a pathway that forces landlords to assist in the safe transition of renters into a healthy new place to live before they can just be evicted. Develop a task force to monitor landlord services.

Q 5: Many tenants have reported harassment and fear retaliation by their landlords because of reporting habitability violations. If elected, how will you respond to this issue? 

A 5: I commit to creating a task force that monitors landlord services to renters. This will be supported by a renter’s registry.

Q 6: Renters who are displaced due to no-fault evictions can expect to pay over 10k in relocation costs, while landlord relocation assistance is equal to a single month’s rent. What would you do to ensure that more community members are receiving relocation assistance for no-fault evictions?

A 6: I commit to creating a community fund that allows the most vulnerable to seek rental transition assistance. I would also create a task force that assists these renters in advocating through county resources on treatment during the no-fault evictions, and they would also hold accountable those who misuse this eviction process.

Q 7: Will you support enacting a mandatory rental registry in the county for all rental properties to track rental data and ensure compliance with existing tenant protections under state and local laws? What steps will you take to put the policy in place?  

A 7: Yes. Conduct a study on how this process is being used in other regions and create an independent committee that will evaluate what models would best fit our SMC.

Q 8: What do you believe are meaningful solutions to addressing encampments while protecting the safety and dignity of our unhoused population?

A 8: Creating permanent homes out of the vacant office spaces that can match the displaced population numbers. Right now we have almost 2,000 unhoused people and less than half of the number of beds available to house them. Moving to incarcerate before we even have the beds available is inhumane and cruel.

Q 9: Do you support protecting and increasing funding for rental assistance in the county? How will you ensure this funding is adequate to meet the needs of renters?

A 9: Yes I support protecting and increasing funding for rental assistance. The amount should be what the average rent is for a single family apartment or home in SMC, times the months that they are behind.

Learn more about Paul at paul4smc.com

Celeste Brevard

Q 1: Are you a realtor, renter, landlord, home owner, and/or housing developer? 

A 1: Renter 

Q 2: What policies will you champion as a Supervisor to address the housing affordability crisis in San Mateo County? 

A 2: I’ll address housing affordability by ensuring new builds include 30% allocated space for rent controlled units, creating homelessness facilities inspired by successful models like the tiny homes in Austin, centralizing housing information online, collaborating across sectors, and promoting transit-oriented development for enhanced accessibility. 

Q 3: Given that 78% of extremely low-income households in San Mateo County are cost-burdened, what commitments will you make to address rent control measures?  

A 3: I commit to evaluating and strengthening rent control measures. I will collaborate with nonprofits and businesses to increase the availability of quality units for those in need. Additionally, I will actively seek additional funding for housing assistance to alleviate the financial strain on vulnerable households by creating more affordable options. 

Q 4: If elected, what policies would you put forth that would support a comprehensive tenant protections ordinance that prioritizes just cause?  

A 4: I will work with community partners to ensure that the populace is educated about their rights in the languages they understand. I would also ensure that this information is widely available. I will also create policies that uphold tenant rights to ensure that everyone can live with dignity.

Q 5: Many tenants have reported harassment and fear retaliation by their landlords because of reporting habitability violations. If elected, how will you respond to this issue? 

A 5: No one should live in fear or in poor conditions. We need to ensure that we put policies in place that cover basic living requirements and have systems in place where tenants can report unclean and insufficient living conditions without retaliation. I will also create inspections for properties that are known for negligence.

Q 6: Renters who are displaced due to no-fault evictions can expect to pay over 10k in relocation costs, while landlord relocation assistance is equal to a single month’s rent. What would you do to ensure that more community members are receiving  relocation assistance for no-fault evictions?

A 6: I’ll tackle the inequality in relocation assistance by creating more affordable houses to minimize the need for high fee moving costs. Additionally, I’ll implement policies to shield renters from unnecessary costs during no-fault evictions, fostering a fair and supportive environment for our community members.

Q 7: Will you support enacting a mandatory rental registry in the county for all rental properties to track rental data and ensure compliance with existing tenant protections under state and local laws? What steps will you take to put the policy in place?  

A 7: Absolutely. It would be one of my main priorities to create a rental and housing hub online so that this is easily accessible. 

Q 8: What do you believe are meaningful solutions to addressing encampments while protecting the safety and dignity of our unhoused population?

A 8: To address homelessness, I would focus on creating more quality facilities, providing dignified living spaces and essential services for their mental and physical wellbeing. This approach aims to empower the unhoused, facilitating their transition to more stable living arrangements. 

Q 9: Do you support protecting and increasing funding for rental assistance in the county? How will you ensure this funding is adequate to meet the needs of renters?

A 9: I do. I will work with nonprofits and businesses to ensure we have an accurate understanding of these needs and find the funding through state and federal grants.

Learn more about Celeste at celestebrevard.com

Maggie Cornejo

Q 1: Are you a realtor, renter, landlord, home owner, and/or housing developer? 

A 1: Renter 

Q 2: What policies will you champion as a Supervisor to address the housing affordability crisis in San Mateo County? 

A 2: As Supervisor, I prioritize stable housing for all through investments in interim and affordable housing, tenant protections, and zoning regulations to develop more units. I’ll streamline ADU processes and focus on creating clear pathways for vulnerable populations. 

Q 3: Given that 78% of extremely low-income households in San Mateo County are cost-burdened, what commitments will you make to address rent control measures?  

A 3: As a Redwood City renter I’ve seen rent hikes causing turnover. I support rent control in San Mateo County, collaborating for an effective policy to safeguard tenants, promoting stability and affordability. 

Q 4: If elected, what policies would you put forth that would support a comprehensive tenant protections ordinance that prioritizes just cause? 

A 4: I advocate for enhancing our tenant protection ordinance. During my tenure in the Board of Supervisors, I contributed to its recent improvement. As the upcoming Supervisor, I will strive to pass the latest ordinance proposed in 2023, prioritizing support for our vulnerable community members.

Q 5: Many tenants have reported harassment and fear retaliation by their landlords because of reporting habitability violations. If elected, how will you respond to this issue? 

A 5: As Supervisor, I’m troubled by tenant harassment and fear of landlord retaliation. Safe living conditions are crucial. I’ll collaborate on educational campaigns, legal support, code enforcement, anti-retaliation measures, tenant services, and community engagement for a safer housing environment.

Q 6: Renters who are displaced due to no-fault evictions can expect to pay over 10k in relocation costs, while landlord relocation assistance is equal to a single month’s rent. What would you do to ensure that more community members are receiving relocation assistance for no-fault evictions?

A 6: As the next Supervisor, I’ll collaborate with the Housing Department to review and update policies for aligning assistance with relocation costs, expanding eligibility, advocating for increased funding, and raising renter awareness about rights. I’ll also partner with the community and launch an educational campaign.

Q 7: Will you support enacting a mandatory rental registry in the county for all rental properties to track rental data and ensure compliance with existing tenant protections under state and local laws? What steps will you take to put the policy in place?   

A 7: I support implementing a rental registry program to address the lack of oversight in the housing market, promoting tenant well-being. As Supervisor, I’ll raise awareness, pilot the initiative, and advocate for its adoption. This program fosters transparency, accountability, and fairness for renters and landlords alike. 

Q 8: What do you believe are meaningful solutions to addressing encampments while protecting the safety and dignity of our unhoused population?  

A 8: To combat homelessness effectively, I advocate a multi-faceted approach. This involves investing in interim solutions like Navigation Centers and Project Home Key, constructing affordable housing, and homelessness prevention. By providing essential services, we improve well-being and reduce societal costs. 

Q 9: Do you support protecting and increasing funding for rental assistance in the county? How will you ensure this funding is adequate to meet the needs of renters? 

A 9: I fully support increased funding to prioritize housing stability and prevent homelessness. Our goal is housing security for all. I’ll collaborate with the county to modernize our prevention system, expanding rental assistance programs for those at risk of displacement. 

Learn more about Maggie at maggiecornejo.com

Lisa Gauthier


HLC did not receive a response from Lisa Gauthier. Learn more about Lisa at lisagauthier.com

Antonio Lopez

Q 1: Are you a realtor, renter, landlord, home owner, and/or housing developer? 

A 1: Renter

Q 2: What policies will you champion as a Supervisor to address the housing affordability crisis in San Mateo County? 

A 2: I support increasing the supply of all types of housing, including market rate, to meet the demand for housing within our community. I’m impassioned to ensure that the legacies of redlining, predatory lending, and environmental racism will not determine the future of our children. Our county must be a leader for affordable housing in the state.

Q 3: Given that 78% of extremely low-income households in San Mateo County are cost-burdened, what commitments will you make to address rent control measures?  

A 3: I will collaborate with various stakeholders to create a policy that landlords and tenants will support to control skyrocketing rents. This is something organizations like Faith in Action are already working on. I will work with them to conduct community outreach and craft messaging that will help tenants and persuade people at the ballot box.

Q 4: If elected, what policies would you put forth that would support a comprehensive tenant protections ordinance that prioritizes just cause?  

A 4: I have seen firsthand examples of tenants given three-day eviction notices on charges that are dubious at best and at worst, retaliatory. I am currently supporting an EPA resident who is facing eviction on what I feel are unfair grounds. I will create an emergency fund where families can access funds quickly with as little red tape as possible.

Q 5: Many tenants have reported harassment and fear retaliation by their landlords because of reporting habitability violations. If elected, how will you respond to this issue? 

A 5: I will support tenants reporting harassment from their landlords by creating better access to support resources from the county and investing in existing organizations that help provide a tenant’s right to counsel.

Q 6: Renters who are displaced due to no-fault evictions can expect to pay over 10k in relocation costs, while landlord relocation assistance is equal to a single month’s rent. What would you do to ensure that more community members are receiving relocation assistance for no-fault evictions?

A 6: The county must protect tenants that may be displaced by developments through strict tenant protections such as relocation assistance, lifetime leases, restrictions on rent increases, limitations on the number of units that can be converted per year, and one-for-one replacement of converted units.

Q 7: Will you support enacting a mandatory rental registry in the county for all rental properties to track rental data and ensure compliance with existing tenant protections under state and local laws? What steps will you take to put the policy in place?   

A 7: I would support enacting a mandatory rental registry in the county to ensure compliance with tenant protections and track rental data for the county. We must be maintaining rental data to identify where the needs are in the county and allocate resources accordingly and efficiently.

Q 8: What do you believe are meaningful solutions to addressing encampments while protecting the safety and dignity of our unhoused population?   

A 8: The County should provide a wide range of shelter options to meet individual needs. We must invest in organizations that have already built relationships with those experiencing homelessness to distribute resources and assist in relocation, and avoid enforcement policies that do not respect the dignity of our unhoused population.

Q 9: Do you support protecting and increasing funding for rental assistance in the county? How will you ensure this funding is adequate to meet the needs of renters?   

A 9: I am in full support of protecting and increasing funding for rental assistance in the county. To ensure there is adequate funding for the needs of renters I will pursue a number of different policies including commercial linkage fees and housing impact fees to supplement the county budget for rental assistance through new development.

Learn more about Antonio at antonioforsupervisor.com

District 5

David Canepa


HLC did not receive a response from David Canepa. Learn more about David at davidcanepa.com