Member Profiles HLC members share why they got involved

David Crabbe 

We had the opportunity to speak with long-time HLC member and partner David Crabbe on why he joined HLC and what solidifies his commitment to affordable housing in San Mateo County.

Question: What inspired you to become a member of HLC?

Answer: I’ve been interested in affordable housing my entire career and have worked as an architect designing affordable housing for over 40 years. During all that time, there has been a pressing need for affordable housing in San Mateo County, but in the past 10 years, that need has greatly increased from an on-going problem to an emergency. If we have any hope of maintaining a vibrant and sustainable local economy, we must address the lack of affordable housing in light of increasing income inequality in the county.

Q: When and how did you get involved with the organization?

A: About three years ago. I had been aware of HLC for some time, so finally decided to more directly participate when the opportunity arose.

Q: What do you hope HLC will achieve in the near future?

A: To convince Peninsula cities and major corporations to get serious about affordable housing and to make progress toward providing a greater choice of housing options for lower and middle-income families in the county.

Q: Are there other causes that you feel particularly strong about?

A: I am a member of the Sierra Club’s Loma Prieta Sustainable Land Use Committee (SLU) which is dedicated to slowing Climate Change by limiting Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions. SLU advocates for dense, walkable communities focused around transit to contain growth within the urban footprint which reduces vehicle use, one of the prime sources of GHG emissions on the Peninsula. I am also a member of Sustainable San Mateo County which tracks progress and researches solutions to improve the sustainability of the environment, the economy, and the social fabric of San Mateo County.

Q: Do you have any other comments you would like to share?

A: HLC is an important and effective non-profit in San Mateo County that advocates for housing for families that don’t have the advantage of wealth, but which are essential to the basic functioning of the economy. These families deserve a voice and HLC meets that need.

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