Member Profiles HLC members share why they got involved

Heather Hopkins, Toddle Flexible Preschool

We had the opportunity to speak with Heather of Toddle on why she joined HLC and what strengthens her commitment to affordable housing.

Question: What inspired you to become a member of HLC?​ ​

Answer: As a resident of Menlo Park, I worry about how our community will thrive in the long term. It’s one thing to live in a neighborhood with high property values; it’s quite another when those property values are unreasonably high for miles and miles beyond, and teachers, firefighters and nurses have to drive hours to work there. Is it sustainable to live in such a bubble?

Q: When and how did you get involved with the organization?

A: Angie Evans, Community Builder​ extraordinaire, reached out to me in my capacity as the co-owner of Toddle Preschool. I immediately signed on and set up a meeting with Angie to learn more. As the owner of a preschool, I know that it’s almost impossible for teachers to live in Menlo Park without some other kind of financial support. I want to live in a community where preschool teachers live next door to doctors, academics, librarians, police officers, and high tech investors. I can’t imagine what the city will be like after decades of socioeconomic sameness. Will I want to live here when my children are grown? Will they?

Q: What do you hope HLC will achieve in the near future?

A: I’m so proud to be a part of the important work of HLC. I’m hopeful that HLC can successfully engage Menlo Park and other cities on the potential to build affordable housing on public land. It’s really one of the only solutions we have left.

Q: Are there other causes that you feel particularly strong about? ​

A: Yes, early learning and care. Did you know that 85% of the human brain develops between the ages of zero and five? That said, we invest very little into these critical years. An excellent preschool teacher can literally change the trajectory of a child’s life, yet we don’t really value the role. In the three years I’ve worked in Toddle’s office, overhearing our teachers interacting with children and families, I’ve learned more about parenting, effective communication, and honoring others’ unique value than I had in the decade prior. Preschool teachers are gems; it’s time to elevate and celebrate that profession.

Q: Do you have any other comments you would like to share?

A: ​HLC’s style of community organizing and activism is so positive, professional and impactful. Thank you for your leadership!

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