RM4: Struck down but not destroyed!

Regional Measure 4: Struck down but not destroyed

As you have probably heard by now, Regional Measure 4 (RM4) will not be on the ballot this fall. For the past year and a half, we have worked diligently with community members and partners, locally and throughout the Bay Area to put a FIRST-OF-ITS-KIND $20 billion regional affordable housing bond measure on the November ballot to help create a much-needed funding source. HLC in solidarity with the regional coalition, supported the Bay Area Housing Finance Authority’s Board’s decision to pull the measure last week.

We are very disappointed, but convinced that the coalition made the right decision. A barrage of well-timed lawsuits by anti-tax and anti-government groups effectively exploited the court system and electoral timeline to block housing progress from the 2024 ballot. By withdrawing Regional Measure 4, housing groups can focus our efforts in partnership with a statewide coalition to pass Proposition 5 (Prop 5) — an effort to set the voter approval threshold at 55% for local housing and infrastructure bonds.

Thousands of San Mateo County residents are already struggling just to get by and stay here. If things continue to stay the way they are, your cities, small businesses, and school districts will continue to struggle to attract and retain talent because of the lack of affordable homes. Your children will keep having a hard time putting down roots, building their careers, and creating the strong extended family bonds that you currently enjoy. Seniors will continue to have difficulty finding a quality, safe, home that meets their needs and one that allows them to age in place.

There are affordable homes already approved by local governments in communities throughout the county, what they now need is funding.

Proposition 5 is an opportunity to remove the systemic barriers blocking your community’s ability to adequately address the housing crisis and to make meaningful investments in the neighborhoods that you care about. The passage of Prop 5 this year can lead to lasting change that empowers local voters, like you, with the tools needed to advance housing and infrastructure solutions – including here in the Bay Area.

Here are a few ways YOU can help today:

While truly transformative progress takes time, your communities desperately need a systems change RIGHT NOW. Your support is needed MORE THAN EVER to ensure that everyone who either works, lives, wants to live, or grew up here in San Mateo County can have a stable place to call home. In addition to supporting the Yes on Prop 5 campaign, join your neighbors and become a member today!

Make no mistake, we are not defeated.

In Community,

Ken Chan, Senior Organizer

2024 Bay Area Affordable Housing Bond: Regional Funding for Local Solutions

To access the information On RM 4’s proposal in additional languages visit the PDF links below:

YesonRM4 One-pager (English)

RM4 One Pager – Vietnamese

RM4 One Pager – Spanish

RM4 One Pager – Chinese